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Keep The Heat In And The Cold Out


At Ardent Roof Systems, we can ensure your home is as energy efficient as possible, saving you money on energy costs and ensuring your roof system is working properly.  Heat loss and air leakage from your home, into your attic space can cause many problems, including condensation. Condensation can lead to an attic condition know as “attic rain”, which can damage the insulation, ceiling drywall, and eventually lead to mold.  Insufficient roof ventilation and subpar attic insulation can also result in ice damming. Ice dams can cause roof leaks and deterioration of the roofing materials. If you are experiencing any of these issues, call today and the professionals at Ardent Roof Systems can make your home healthier, more energy efficient and comfortable to live in for years to come. 



Weathershield Cellulose Insulation

Weathershield cellulose is the most environmentally friendly insulation product on the market.  Weathershield is made of 100% recycled cellulose fiber and naturally occurring additives to provide resistance to fire, mould, vermin and insects.  Weathershield cellulose provides a superior level of thermal resistance (R-value) to glass fibre insulation. Weathershield also carries Environment Canada’s Eco-Logo as a certified green building product. 


Spray Foam Insulation

Spray foam insulation is desirable in attics that require extensive air sealing, or that lack of space to effectively use other insulation materials.  It's very high R-value per inch makes spray foam ideal for use in low slope attics and older story-and-a-half style homes. These homes typically require removal of the roof deck, which allows access to remove the old insulation so it may be replaced with spray foam insulation.  The high R-value per inch of spray foam allows maintenance of an air space above the insulation to accommodate proper ventilation. Newer homes that suffer from “attic rain” benefit from the use of spray foam when used as an air-sealing tool. Spray foam is recognized by LEED (Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design) as a sustainable, green, CO2 reducing construction material. 



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